
Please note that we recently switched to a new payment processor (Paymentus.com, an affiliate of J.P.Morgan Chase). If you had previously set up an automatic or scheduled payment, you will need to set it up again to continue the payments. Please click here for instructions on how to set up an automatic payment.
Sign In
- Sign in with your username and password.
- If you don't have one, register for one.
- If you don't want to register, but would still like to donate, you can proceed without registering.
Registered Vs. Unregistered Users
- Registered User
- If you register, you'll be able to see your past donations and create recurring payments.
- UnRegistered Users
- If you do not register, your donation history will not be kept in our donors catalog and you will not be able to make recurring payments. If you'd like to use recurring payments, please donate as a registered user.
- Already Registered
- Just log in first and we'll get you going!