M&C Review

COUNCIL ACTION:  Approved on 6/25/2019 - Ordinance No. 23720-06-2019


Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, a Noise Mitigation Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration in an Amount Up to $8,000,000.00 at Fort Worth Alliance Airport, Authorize Use of Land Credits for City's Match in an Amount Up to $888,888.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7)


It is recommended that the City Council:

1. Authorize the application for and acceptance of, if awarded, a Noise Mitigation Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration in an amount up to $8,000,000.00 for Part 150 Noise Mitigation Efforts at Fort Worth Alliance Airport; and

2. Authorize the use of land credits in an amount up to $888,888.00 for the City's in-kind local match of ten percent of the project costs; and

3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Muni Airport Grants Federal Fund in the amount of $8,888,888.00, subject to the receipt of the grant.


On June 5, 2018, (M&C C-28706) the City Council authorized the execution of City Secretary Contract 50892 with CP&Y, Inc. for professional consulting services to perform the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Taxiway Papa Extension Project at Fort Worth Alliance Airport. Upon completion of the EA, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), along with the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) issued a Record of Decision (ROD) mandating that the airport provide notice to the homeowners in the Rivers Edge and the Woodland Springs subdivisions no later than September 30, 2019 of potential noise impacts. This is due to increased aviation activity originating from Amazon Air announcing their new regional hub facility at Fort Worth Alliance Airport. The Rivers Edge subdivision is located approximately two miles north of the airport; the Woodland Springs subdivision is located approximately one and three quarter miles southeast of the airport.   

As a result of this ROD imposed by the FAA, noise mitigation efforts must be completed by December 31, 2024. The FAA is prepared to issue an $8,000,000.00 grant in FY 2019 to begin assessing noise mitigation efforts, which includes a more in-depth study of the homes that are depicted to fall within the 2025 Noise Projection Contours (see attached map) and are modeled in the EA. If the results of this study determine the existing homes do not require additional noise mitigation efforts, the money will be returned to the FAA.

If the results of the study determine the existing homes do require additional noise mitigation efforts, five alternative methods for mitigating the residential properties in the Rivers Edge and Woodland Springs subdivision will be offered to the homeowners. These methods include a sound insulation program, sales assurance program, transaction assistance program, and purchase assurance program, all with an associated avigation easement, as well as an avigation easement program. The choice of purchase assurance, sales assurance, or transaction assurance are measures with which to assist homeowners who prefer to move from the noise impacted areas and facilitate a timely market sale of noise impacted properties.

On March 3, 2010, (M&C G-16863) the City Council authorized the submission of the Airport’s Noise Compatibility Program to the FAA as required by the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. The Noise Compatibility Program was approved by the FAA on December 1, 2010. This program determined that the homes in the Woodland Springs subdivision exceeded the noise installation requirements in which none of the above mentioned methods were necessary, with the exception of an avigation easement. The River’s Edge subdivision was not impacted by the 2010 Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program.

This grant, if awarded, would be in the amount of $8,000,000.00 in FY 2019, with the possibility of a separate $8,000,000.00 grant in FY 2020, and an additional separate $8,000,000.00 grant in FY 2021, if deemed necessary. The Aviation Department will seek Mayor and Council approval over the following three years for each additional grant. The total amount of this year's grant will be $8,888,888.00 of which $888,888.00 will be of city land grant match funds.

No City salaries will be charged to this grant, so indirect costs are not applicable.

Fort Worth Alliance Airport is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7.



A Form 1295 is not required for this contract because:  This contract will be with a governmental entity, state agency or public institution of higher education: Federal Aviation Administration


The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, receipt of the grant and adoption of the attached ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Muni Airport Grants Federal Fund. This is a reimbursement grant.

    Fund Department
Account Project
Program Activity Budget
Reference #
(Chartfield 2)

    Fund Department
Account Project
Program Activity Budget
Reference #
(Chartfield 2)

Submitted for City Manager's Office by:
Fernando Costa (6122)
Originating Department Head:
Bill Welstead (5402)
Additional Information Contact:
Tyler Dale (5416)
Dakota Shaw (5407)

  2025 Noise Projection Contour.jpg
  55AFW NOISE MITIGATION GRANT_55003_AO19_Revision.pdf