The Hemphill Street Connector Project extends from Lancaster Avenue to West Vickery Boulevard under Union Pacific Railroad and Interstate Highway 30. This project includes constructing a new 4-lane arterial street with turn lanes, railroad bridge and tracks, excavation, retaining walls, paving, storm drainage improvements, shared use path, sidewalks, streetlights, traffic signals, landscaping and irrigation.
On March 13, 2018 the City administratively executed a Discretionary Service Agreement with Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC (Oncor) in the amount of $70,620.16 (CSC No. 50374) for the removal of approximately 400 feet of overhead electrical line on wood poles crossing Union Pacific Railroad and IH-30 right-of-way to facilitate construction of the temporary shoo-fly tracks required during construction of the new railroad bridge. The overhead electric line was temporarily relocated within the City’s Lancaster Avenue and Jennings Avenue right-of-way and there was no interruption in electric services to the United States Post Office, T&P Warehouse, and the T&P train station. The City authorized the use of allowance funds contained in the CMAR Agreement in the amount of $73,092.00 (CSC No. 45717-A3AR5) for removing, relocating, and/or demolishing existing utilities within the right-of-way.
Under this new Discretionary Service Agreement, Oncor will install a new overhead electric line on permanent concrete poles east of Hemphill Street across Union Pacific Railroad and Interstate Highway 30 Right-of-Way clear of the railroad tracks and bridge. The total cost for this Agreement is $198,312.40 and will be funded by reducing the Owner’s Allowance designated for removing, relocating, and/or demolishing existing utilities within the right-of-way. City staff considers these costs to be fair and reasonable for the proposed scope of services.
The Hemphill Street Connector Project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9.