The National Community Development Association (NCDA) is a national nonprofit organization comprised of more than 400 local governments across the country that administer federally-supported community and economic development, and housing and human services programs, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The City was selected to host the NCDA Annual Regional VI Southwest Conference. This conference is an opportunity for Fort Worth to showcase its community planning and development programs and will provides a regional gathering to learn about best practices in those areas.
The conference will be held from October 30 to November 1, 2019. Training on CDBG Basics will be held in conjunction with the conference from October 28 through October 29, 2019.
The City will:
- Seek out sponsorships to assist in payment of conference expenses.
- To the greatest extent possible, cover conference expenses, i.e. contracted events, services, facilities, and speakers through the use of conference registration fees and sponsoring funds. The conference budget will ensure that all project costs are paid through collection of registration fees and/or sponsorships. Any funding remaining after payments of all conference expenses will be remitted to NCDA.
- Host a welcome reception, evening activities, the conference luncheon and provide CDBG/HOME project tours.
- Negotiate and contract with facilities where conference activities will take place.
NCDA will, upon request and approval by the Regional VI Board of Directors, provide up-front funding to reserve facilities or pay other costs prior to the City’s receipt of conference registration fees or sponsorships. NCDA will also review the conference revenue and expenditure report and authorize reimbursement to the City for any reasonable unexpected costs not covered by conference registration fees and expenses.
Contracts executed in connection with this project will be for less than $100,000.00 and therefore do not require M&C authorization under section 2-9 of the City Code.
A Form 1295 is not required for this contract because: This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity. |