The City of Fort Worth (City) maintains Agreements with other public safety agencies in North Central Texas to provide access to its Public Safety Communications System. Some agencies have expressed interest in having the City extend its support to the programming, repair and maintenance of their two-way radios and other hardware and software used to access the City's Public Safety Communications System.
In May 2019, the Parker County Emergency Services District No. 6 (Parker County ESD #6) approved a Radio Subscriber Services Agreement. Under this agreement, the City will install, configure, program, maintain and repair certain public safety emergency response equipment. Parker County ESD #6 will reimburse the City for all labor and material costs associated with these services. The City's performance of these additional services will not impact its ability to meet City department requirements. It will, however, provide additional external revenues to help support the Public Safety Communications System. It will also ensure that the equipment supporting the users of the City's radio system is operating within manufacturer specifications, which is a critical requirement of the digital technology used with the City's communications system. Annual fees are estimated to total approximately $5,000.00.
This contract will be with a governmental entity, state agency or public institution of higher education: (Parker County Emergency Services District No. 6)
A Form 1295 is not required for this contract because: This contract will be with a governmental entity, state agency or public institution of higher education: Parker County Emergency Services District No. 6 |