The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication is to authorize the rejection of all bids received for the Meacham Airport Utility Relocation Project. On March 30, 2018 and April 6, 2018, the project was first advertised in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. On May 1, 2018, the City of Fort Worth received no bids for the project.
On January 16, 2019 and January 23, 2019, the project was advertised for a second time in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. On February 19, 2019, the City of Fort Worth received two sealed bids for the construction of the project. After analyzing bids received, Staff have determined that all bids exceed the project budget. The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost provided by Garver was estimated at $1,733,900.00; the lowest bid received was $2,839,431.25. Primary causes of this were determined to be above average labor and material costs being driven by ample construction activity as well as a limited pool of contractors capable of performing this specialized work. Staff has reviewed the project with the engineering consultants and will be reducing the scope of work in the base bid by including additional additive alternates. The scope of the base bid will be prioritized based on locations assessed to fall within the project's budget in accordance with cost estimates, as well as have the greatest impact on improving the frontage of Meacham International Airport. The additive alternates will then be assessed at the completion of the next bidding phase to maximize overall project scope. In addition, the project team will hold a contractor workshop prior to rebidding to ensure the project scope and budget are achievable with market conditions. The Aviation Department recommends rejecting all bids. Staff will be making necessary adjustments to execute the project in Fiscal Year 2021. This Project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2. This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity. |