The Police Department will use this Agreement to purchase surveillance cameras, custom designed enclosures, maintenance and support services for internal components. These cameras will be installed throughout the City in various locations. PRICE ANALYSIS - The Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract offers fixed discounts. Staff reviewed the pricing and found pricing to be fair and reasonable. COOPERATIVE PURCHASE - State law provides that a local government purchasing an item under a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement satisfies any state law requiring that the local government seek competitive bids for purchase of the item. The DIR contract was competitively bid to increase and simplify the purchasing power of government entities across the State of Texas. M/WBE - A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Purchasing Division and approved by the M/WBE Office, in accordance with the BDE Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER - An administrative change order or increase may be made by the City Manager in the amount up to $100,000.00 and does not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated. AGREEMENT TERM - Upon City Council's approval, this Agreement shall commence on April 5, 2017 and shall expire on November 4, 2017, to correspond with the terms of the cooperative contract. RENEWAL OPTIONS - This Agreement may be renewed for up to three successive one-year terms at the City's option, per the conditions established in the contract between the DIR and the individual vendor. This action does not require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligations during the renewal term to correspond with the DIR contract term.